I love bear characters!

There are so many famous bear characters in the world.

Pooh and Paddington come up in my mind at first, but Rilakuma as well!

It is definitely lovely and sweet. I love it.

BTW why bear characters are so popular in the world?..Especially in the UK?



FFS T-shirts?

That's the way many Japanese students mispronounce.lol



about this blog?

アップル, 赤いリンゴ, フルーツ, おいしい, 健康, 食べ物, 冬, 雪


I changed not only the design but  the name of this blog.

I've named it "baked apples" before, because I just like apples. lol 

But actually it meaned nothing and I decided to change it to just my nickname when I was a child.

I want to know myself... I mean self-analysis, through looking back from my chilhood.

Oh, I have to say this is just a "blog" and I love apples now and forever!